Sector meeting for organisation och culture sector

SYL’s education policy sector meetup will take place on the 7th of April 2021 online from 9 am to 4 pm.

Programme (draft; SYL reserve the right to make changes)
9-10 discussion of current matters in the in the sectors
10-12 discussion and workshop about student union identity
12-13 lunch
13-15 separated sessions for the sectors
organisation sector: trainings for organisations
culture sector: volunteers in events
15-16 summary with a beverage of own choice

Send in your binding registrations by 4.4. by filling out the form.
Please note that the meetup last only one day (Choose “I will participate in the event on the 1st day”)



Why are we asking this? To report on the government grants awarded to the youth sector by the Ministry of Education and Culture, we need information on the gender distribution of SYL events.
Why are we asking this? For reporting on government grants awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture to the youth sector, we need to know whether participants in SYL events are covered by the Youth Act.
Please write here if you need accommodation and a possible request for a roommate.
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