
SYL is involved in many kinds of associations, foundations and companies that promote wellbeing and a better future for students.

FSHS i.e. the Finnish Student Health Service offers general, mental and oral health services for students in higher education studying for a basic degree. The Finnish Student Health Service was founded by SYL.
Nyyti ry is an association working to promote students’ mental wellbeing and life management e.g. through peer support. SYL is one of Nyyti ry’s members.
SOA ry
SOA ry
The Finnish Association of Student Housing Organisations SOA ry is the advocacy and cooperation association for student housing organisations. SYL is one of SOA ry’s members. You can also get information about student housing from your own student union.
Ylioppilasterveys ry
Ylioppilasterveys ry
Ylioppilasterveys is a non-profit organisation that supports student healthcare. The aim of the work of the organisation is to support and promote the healthcare of those studying in universities and institutes of higher education, as well as related research activities.
The European Students’ Union (ESU) is looking after the interests of students within the European Union. ESU represents higher education students from 40 different countries. SYL is a member of ESU. We participate actively in ESU’s operations and influence the policies of the European student movement.
SYL is a member of the cooperative body of Nordic student organisations, Nordic Presidential Meeting (Nordiskt ordförandemöte), or NOM. NOM includes student organisations from the Nordic and Baltic countries. NOM meets annually and SYL is actively involved in its activities.