Students for a better tomorrow
SYL, i.e. the National Union of University Students in Finland, is a student organisation which represents approximately 140,000 students in Finland. All student unions in Finnish universities are members of SYL. A student union is a public corporation which is governed by the Universities Act.
The voice of students
We promote students’ interests and speak for the younger generation in society. We are where student issues are discussed, from the parliament to barricades.
Prerequisites for student life
We work to make sure that students have affordable housing and enough money to live on. The amount of the student financial aid, that there are enough student apartments all over Finland and subsidised student meals are important issues for us.
Brilliant student benefits
Every student who belongs to a student union is also our member and entitled to the best student discounts.
Competencies for the future
Everyone’s opportunities to educate themselves, learn and develop themselves through life are issues close to our heart. We make sure education and the education system are developed from this starting point to ensure competencies for the future.
Student wellbeing
We work to ensure that all students would feel well – both now and in the future. The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) is responsible for student health care. FSHS was founded by SYL. In addition, SYL is a member in many organisations which promote the wellbeing of students.
Advocacy work in the European Union
We defend students’ interests in the European Union. We stay alert in both the Commission and the Parliament and ensure that the voice of Finnish students is heard in Europe. We are a member of the European Students' Union and take part in shaping ESU activities.
Global responsibility
We recognise our global responsibility for the environment and human welfare. We have a long tradition and competence in development cooperation and we work passionately for it.
Research as a starting point for the advocacy work
We are an expert in education and student life. We influence decision-makers by offering current information on students. For this purpose, we utilise, for instance, our cooperation partner Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus.