Press release 26.5.2021
Advance voting has become even more important for students after the municipal election was postponed. A significant portion of students move away from where they study for the summer months, which is why advance voting is a good way for students to make a difference in the municipal elections.
The exceptionally long election spring has been full of surprises, and it will culminate soon. It is only 18 days left to the actual municipal election day. However, votes are already open, since advance voting started today and ends on June 8.
Municipal elections having been postponed from April to June particularly affects the students’ chance to vote, since a significant portion of students move away from where they study during the summer months because of work or some other reason. Advance voting is a good way for students to make their voice heard if they do not have the possibility to make the trip back to their place of study on the actual election day.
Advance voting means giving your vote during the advance voting period before the actual election day, as decreed in the Election Act. Advance voting does not require you to give a special reason or have a special permission. You only need to take an ID with you to the advance polling station. More information about advance voting:
Every person eligible to vote may freely choose whether they vote on the actual election day or in advance. Every eligible voter may also choose to vote in advance at any general advance voting polling station, either in Finland or abroad. On the actual election day, however, voting is only possible at the designated polling station where you live.
Whether you’re voting in advance or on the actual election day, you can influence the decision-making in your own municipality or city. Every vote given by students and young people is important, since in the 2017 municipal elections, only about one in three eligible voters under 26 years of age gave their vote, whereas almost 70 percent of people between the ages of 55 and 64 voted.
“City and municipal councils decide on the very issues that affect the everyday life of students, such as public transport, recreational opportunities and the building of student housing. This is why it is important that every student votes in the municipal election. The student voice is valuable”, the student organisations point out.
Students! Now is your chance to influence the future decision-making in your own home municipality. Remember that we make a better student city together!
More information:
The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL)
Ville Jäppinen
+358 44 906 5001
University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK
Oona Löytänen
+358 50 389 1000
The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL)
Essi Lumme
+358 44 780 0216
STTK students
Markus Kutvonen
+358 44 544 9106
Akava Students
Veera Nyfors
+358 40 511 9370