SYL and SAMOK: Statement of solidarity to the students of Iran

The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK express their solidarity to the students of Iran who have become victims of violent attacks by the authorities while protesting at university campuses. SYL and SAMOK call for the violence against students to end immediately, and for the Finnish government to protect students fleeing violence by implementing a Students at Risk programme.

The protests in Iran followed the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who had been beaten by the Iranian ‘morality police’. During the last days, there have been reported protests at the Sharif University in Tehran, where the security forces have surrounded the campus, beaten up students violently and apparently also fired shots at them.

An attack towards students and university staff is also an attack against freedom of expression and academic freedom. We urge Finland and the international community to respond to these attacks and protect the students seeking for a better future.

Further information:

Yuri Birjulin
International Affairs and EU Advocacy Adviser, The National Union of University Students in Finland
+358 40 017 4913

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