Press release 16 November 2019
The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), representing all of Finland’s close to 132,000 university students, has elected SYL’s 2020 Board. The meeting also decided on next year’s plan of work as well as SYL’s finances.
SYL’s President for 2020 is Tapio Hautamäki, 26, AYY.
The General Assembly also elected six board members:
Paula Karhunen, HYY
Johanna Pohjonen, TYY
Paavo Antikainen, TREY
Teemu Virtanen, OYY
Jenni Tuomainen, LYY
Frans Cederlöf, AYY
“With this group we can take the student movement to the next decade! The accessibility of education, the total reform of the social security and stopping climate change are major themes in our work next year” the newly elected president says.
The General Assembly published a resolution demanding academic freedom to be secured across Europe. “Academic freedom is a fundamental European value that should not be taken for granted. Defending it should be more than just pretty words in the member states’ festive speeches,” says Tapio Hautamäki, SYL’s President for 2020.
The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) was held in FellmanniCampus, Lahti on Friday and Saturday 15–16 November.
Read the General Assembly statement on SYL’s website:
Find updates on social media ( and under the hashtags #SYLliittari and #studentsoffinland.
Contact details:
Secretary General Sonja Raitamäki, tel. 040 741 1251
SYL President 2020 Tapio Hautamäki, tel 0400 586 283
SYL Board 2020:
Paula Karhunen 050 5224218
Johanna Pohjonen 0456362457
Paavo Antikainen 040 9139370
Teemu Virtanen 0504078224
Jenni Tuomainen 045 137 9026
Frans Cederlöf 050 430 2458