Spring has rushed past, and it is now time to give you an update on what’s been going on with SYL’s development cooperation (DevCoop) sector. This spring we have focused on two main themes: improving the DevCoop sector and planning new projects.
SYL’s General Assembly 2017 approved an action plan project with the aim to transform the DevCoop activities from simple project activities to DevCoop advocacy work. This spring we have created an advocacy plan which we will soon start putting into action. The advocacy plan was completed at the right time; SYL is currently planning their lobbying activities for the lead up to the parliamentary election, and now development themes will be a natural part of SYL’s other advocacy work.
We are planning to run new projects in Guatemala and Ethiopia. In Guatemala, the aim is to support the active citizenship of Maya students by e.g. teaching them about their rights and strengthening their lobbying and leadership skills. In Ethiopia, our aim is to increase the inclusion of university students with disabilities; we will work with three universities and their staff, student organisations and students to promote disability matters. We have applied for project funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and the decision will be made at the end of the year.
Keep your fingers crossed that the project will receive funding!
Johanna Ursin-Escobar