Candidates for the Board and President of SYL 2021

The President and the Board of SYL will be elected in the SYL’s General Assembly on 12th and 13th of November.

You can announce your candidacy in the General Assembly at the latest. The candidates at the moment are:

For the President 2021


Nevanpää, Annika

Student Union of Tampere University


I want to lead a student movement where everyone feels relevant, and is a relevant part of the community. Together, we can build a more equal world based on well-being, justice and education.


Sandroos, Aleksi

The Student Union of the University of Vaasa


I’m a productive and unifying leader who listens and has expertise, and I’m not afraid to leave things unaddressed. Under my leadership, the student movement will work better together, listen and be more transparent. Learn more:


Virtanen, Teemu

Student Union of the University of Oulu


If I’m elected, SYL will get an experienced, competent, and empathic leader with the ability to unite the student movement. Under my leadership, SYL will ensure that, after the current exceptional year, sufficient investment is made in education, wellbeing, and support services.


For the Board 2021


Jäppinen, Ville

Student Union of Tampere University


My SYL is a voice for university students that is active, communicative and on its way to building a better future. That is the kind of union I want to be a part of building next year. You can find me on Twitter @jappinenville or on my campaign page


Kouzmitchev, Konstantin

Student Association of National Coalition Party


As a child of an immigrant family, I have a clear view of, and a burning desire to champion, international students’ issues in Finland and Europe. Equality has not yet been fully achieved in our universities or labor markets, where we must leave no hiding place for prejudice.

IG: konstakouzmitchev

FB: Konsta Kouzmitchev


Kyllönen, Riku-Petteri

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki


The post-pandemic period will be very different from before. By electing me, SYL will have a defender with a far-reaching vision, who has the ability and passion to lead the way in ongoing social development.


Rouvari, Akseli

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki


A wealth of ideas and creativity, the ability to learn quickly, my nature as a people person and team player, the ability to meet people with empathy and by listening. Insight into difficult issues concerning students. These are the reasons to elect me to SYL’s board!


Twitter: @AkseliRouvari

IG: @akselirouvari


Saarinen, Camilla

The Student Union of the University of Turku


Why should I be chosen for SYL: SYL needs a determined, critical thinker who wants to understand and develop the organization as a whole. I have expertise, enthusiasm, and determination, and I want to promote students’ interests to the best of my ability!

IG: @camilla_syl_hallitukseen



Tenhovuori, Saara

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland


As a trustee, I get things done and I’m highly motivated: because of my own education, it’s natural for me to defend educational issues. My extensive experience and understanding of higher education activities are absolutely necessary in the board.


See you in the General Assembly 12.-13.11.!

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