The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) hopes that the Parliament will ratify the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. SYL furthermore believes that the new President elected on Sunday will also have the responsibility to raise issues of human rights in the public debate. Finland has traditionally wanted to lead the way in advancing human rights internationally but has not itself ratified ILO 169, which would strengthen the rights of the Sámi people.
‘Sámi National Day is a good time to remind us that Finland has still not ratified the ILO 169 Convention. The student movement is working for a better tomorrow, and the realisation of human rights is the very least that we should demand of the future’, SYL President, Akseli Tiitta, comments.
The second round of the presidential election takes place on Sunday. SYL believes that the President of the Republic must promote human rights in their work, both at home and abroad. Both presidential candidates have spoken out in favour of human rights both in the past and in their campaigns. Our organisation therefore sees an opportunity for the new president to raise human rights issues in the public debate.
‘The President has the opportunity to raise issues they consider important in the public debate. Human rights are the foundation of society, which is why the President can also talk about issues relating to them’, Tiitta reminds.
Buori sámi álbmotbeaivvi buohkaide!
Pyeri säämi aalmugpeivi puohháid!
Šiõǥǥ saa’mi meersažpei’vv pukid!
Happy Sámi National Day!
Further information:
Akseli Tiitta
SYL President
044 906 5004