Positions A reduced ability to study impacts future ability to work – solutions are found in student guidance and physical activity 18.09.2023
Positions The Government Programme further weakens the conditions for studying – SYL’s view on the Government Programme 20.06.2023
Positions Charging full tuition fees would reduce the number of international experts in Finland 06.06.2023
Positions SYL demands: students to be provided with employment relationships with the universities 01.04.2023
Positions SYL’s climate network: We cannot mitigate climate change without halting biodiversity loss 21.02.2023
Positions SYL General Assembly: Human rights and solidarity are more important than ever – SYL calls for support for students fleeing war and persecution 22.11.2022
Positions The student meal subsidy increase left us hungry, but the cabinet budget session had many tasty side dishes to offer 21.09.2022