Positions The student movement’s focal points for the European elections are now public; now is the time for education, mobility and participation! 06.05.2019
Positions The student movement’s themes and main goals for the parliamentary elections 2019 20.02.2019
Positions A letter to the Nordic ministers participating in the climate summit: Ambition and the courage to prevent climate change! 25.01.2019
Positions University students: Funding models must be oriented towards the future rather than for intensive production 12.12.2018
Positions European Students’ Union: Tuition fees for international students should be discontinued in Finland 03.12.2018
Positions The National Union of University Students in Finland’s (SYL) General Assembly: 130,000 university students: where is the appreciation for education? 17.11.2018
Positions The National Union of University Students in Finland’s (SYL) General Assembly: Climate change is about equity between generations – Finland and EU must tighten their climate targets 17.11.2018